The Basic Litter Datasheet

Knowing where litter is coming from and which behaviours are contributing to more litter (i.e., the sources of littering), is useful if you want to raise awareness, change behaviours, and stop litter at the source. To help identify litter items, we made a Basic Litter Datasheet Visual Guide that can be downloaded here.

We have arranged the different litter types on the datasheet according to material type (e.g., Plastic, Glass). We also provide a space to write down the total count and weight of each material type on the front page of the datasheet. We found that arranging the datasheet in this manner makes the data easier to record in the field and shows you the most common material type in your study site.

Sample Basic Macro-litter Datasheet

Click on the image to download a PDF version.

2022 Basic Litter Datasheet PNG